0671-24144444 / 2414555 / 2424684
+91 8249674608,+91 7848088423
7 days a week(6 AM to 9 PM)

Hematology :


Hematology is a branch of medicine concerning the study of blood, blood-forming organs such as bonemarrow, and blood-related disorders and diseases. The word "heme" comes from the Greek word for blood. Hematological tests are used to detect and diagnose diseases such as anemia, thalassemia, sickle-cell anemia, leukemia, lymphomas, and several infections like malaria and filaria.

Our Laboratory has technologically advanced Microscopes, ESR Analysers like MIX-rate X-20, MICROSED, Urine Analyser , FUS – 1000 etc  with the help of which we have been successfully served our patient with accurate report.


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